Monday, January 12, 2015

Bitcoin Journey for Jan 12/13 - Delaying Payments

So, after spending some of my Satoshi on advertising and getting hit with rather high fees, I've been trying to understand the fee system with regards to Bitcoins. Well, from what I understand, each time you receive a payment to your account, it is considered an input and each time to wish to send money somewhere, it groups together the required number of inputs to pay the total amount. The more input being grouped together, the more it costs to send this money.

With this in mind, it would make sense to hold off on payments until they reach a larger amount, so each time you send money, it doesn't require grouping as many inputs, reducing the fees. Because of this, I've not set my FaucetBOX account to hold the money until I choose to release it. Once it's gathered up a bunch of Satoshi, I'll send it to my account in a single input, so that my fees will later be reduced when spending the Bitcoins.

I'm not sure how long I should wait for, but I might aim for 500,000 Satoshi. I hear there's no fees if you wait until 1 million Satoshi, but somehow that number just seems so large. I'll probably just get antsy and send it along when I can't wait any longer lol... I couldn't fin the payout settings on ePay or MoonBitcoin yet, but I did set my Microwallet account to pay at the recommended setting of 100,365 Satoshi - it didn't let you specify your own amount.

Anyway on to today's list of the Best Free Bitcoin Faucets:
Be sure to check often - always updating through the day!

I only add sites here which I've verified personally as paying and currently available today, so you can rest assured that the following links are to reputable sites. If a faucet fails to pay, or is unavailable then it will be removed from this list.

MoonBitcoin: (Paying weekly at 5500+ Satoshi last Payment Jan 10)

Starting balance for today was 11,857 Satoshi.
Current balance is 17,335 Satoshi.
Total earned today is 5478Satoshi.

Today's collections from MoonBitcoin have been: 861, 201, 358, 380, 350, 233, 201, 365, 684, 295, 392, 198, 375, 585 Satoshi. As always, collecting more frequently from this site yields the best overall income. The wait time is 5 mins.

ePay sites: (Paying weekly at 5865+ Satoshi last Payment Jan 9)

Starting balance for today was 5010 Satoshi.
Current balance is 7327 Satoshi.
Total earned today is 2317 Satoshi.

*This list is sortable by any of the columns. Please click a heading to sort.

Wait Time
My Daily
My Daily
My Daily

FaucetBOX sites: (Paying Daily at 13,000+ Satoshi last Payment Jan 11*)
Currently I have set my payments on hold to save on transaction fees.

Starting balance for today was 18,288 Satoshi.
Current balance is 53,292 Satoshi.
Total earned today is 35,004 Satoshi. Includes 531 Satoshi in referral earnings.

*This list is sortable by any of the columns. Please click a heading to sort.

Wait Time
My Daily
My Daily
My Daily
BitcoinPuddle 1050 1050 1050 250 1050 5 5250
Omux  300 600 450 60 487 4 1950
BigCoin 200 1000 228 60 466 3 1400
SexybitFaucet  200 5000 265 60 433 3 1300
BTCFaucetList 300 10,000 - 61 400 4 1600
WeLoveBitcoins  250 1000 - 60 375 4 1500
NeoBitcoin 300 10,000 - 30 360 5 1800
GetFreeBitcoins 100 12,000 376 120 350 2 700
BTCFaucetWebsite  300 10,000 - 30 350 4 1400
BitPrepay 100 10,000 272 60 316 3 950
CityofBitcoin  300 120,000 330 40 308 4 1235
FreeBTCFaucet 200 600 236 30 280 5 1400
BTCCryptoPlanet  278 278 278 30 278 3 834 55 999 259 60 277 2 555
CoinMachine  250 1000 - 60 250 4 1000
BitcoinGate 150 1000 204 180 250 2 500
CryptoBlox 250 100,000 - 60 250 4 1000
CSIngenieros 150 400 191 60 250 2 500
BitcoinTree 200 25000 265 30 237 4 950
23Coins 230 230 230 23 230 2 460
BTCGiveaway 150 50,000 241 60 216 3 650
BitFaucet 100 300 200 360 200 1 200
BitcoinDrips 200 500 226 142 200 2 400
SimplFaucet  200 200 200 60 200 3 600
Omux2 100 2000 177 60 200 2 400
FaucetBank 200 10,000 292 60 200 1 200
RobTheCoins 200 1000 - 60 200 2 400
MezzaBank  175 2500 214 30 175 3 525
NeverEndingStory  100 1000 202 15 160 5 800
CaptchasRocks 101 2500 213 60 150 3 452
BitWinFaucet 150 25,000 284 60 150 2 300
JewelryBitcoin  150 500 - 60 150 3 450
AQoinFaucet  100 1000 208 30 150 2 300
SatoshiBear 150 10,000 - 60 150 2 300
OrangeFaucet 150 2000 174 60 150 2 300
BCFarm 100 500 176 60 150 2 300
BitcoinDroplet 125 1500 164 60 125 2 250
FreeCoins4Me  100 1000 - 360 117 1 117
LuckyBitFaucet 100 10,000 181 60 100 2 200
OurBTCSite  75 12,000 343 60 100 3 300
1000Satoshi  100 1000 220 60 100 1 100
FreeBTC 100 1500 140 60 100 2 200
BitcoinCity 100 1000 220 30 100 2 200
Botva 100 1000 149 30 100 2 200
BioFaucet 100 10,000 133 10 100 2 200
GoFreeBitcoin  100 1000 162 60 100 1 100
MoneyInPjs  100 50,000 695 60 100 1 100
CryptoDrips 100 500 - 60 100 2 200
YABTCL 0 102,000,000 - 1440 86 3 260
GoldenFaucet  59 1009 115 120 84 2 168
BitMais 50 50,000 268 15 75 4 300
ZKNFaucet  75 200 110 30 75 2 150
BitcoinFast  50 10,000 132 30 75 2 150

Microwallet sites: (Paying weekly at 5825+ Satoshi last Payment Jan 10*)
Currently I have it set to pay at 100,365 Satoshi to save on transaction fees.

Starting balance for today was 16,723 Satoshi.
Current balance is 26,551 Satoshi.
Total earned today is 9828 Satoshi. Includes 160 Satoshi in referral earnings.

*This list is sortable by any of the columns. Please click a heading to sort.

Wait Time
My Daily
My Daily
My Daily
Scratch4Satoshi  225 50,000 - 15 668 4 2675
CoinGiveaway  50 500 - 60 500 3 1500
DanceFaucet  300 300 300 180 300 3 900
BitCoinker  300 300 300 15 300 7 2100
QoinFaucet  200 500 - 60 200 3 600
BitcoinGenie 200 200 200 720 200 1 200
FairyFaucet  200 200 200 60 200 3 200
BusinessIdeas  100 10,000 201 1440 100 1 100
BitcoinShowers  100 1000 157 180 100 2 200
LetsGoode  75 10,000 148 60 75 2 150

Today's big wins: 2000 from Scratch4Satoshi !


  1. This is great info. I started with your first post, and have read through all of them. Want to trade some ref links?

    1. Thanks so much. I'm trying my best to make this site somewhere that all faucet users will find helpful. When I first started, I know what a pain it was to find a list of faucets, only to learn that the list was way out of date. Some faucets were empty, many of the infos presented about other faucets had changed. So, I'm trying to keep my list as up to date as possible so we don't need to waste time on empty faucet sites. Of course, I still check my favourites to see if they've come back online and re-add them to the list if they do :)

      Be sure to always check the latest list for the most up to date information!
