Wednesday, January 14, 2015

Bitcoin Journey for Jan 14/15 - Continuing to Delay Payments

Had a very good day with referral earnings yesterday, so thank you to all who click on any of the links. It's nice to finally see some substantial headway towards recouping my advertising costs. So far I've spent 195,958 Satoshi on advertising this site and up until now it's earned me 20,123 Satoshi back. Yes, that's a far cry from what I've spent, but I hope in the long run that my referral earnings will at least pay for the advertising and possibly even earn a little on top too!

Also, I'm still continuing to delay payments from the faucets so that I can save later transaction fees.

Anyway on to today's list of the Best Free Bitcoin Faucets:
Be sure to check often - always updating through the day!

I only add sites here which I've verified personally as paying and currently available today, so you can rest assured that the following links are to reputable sites. If a faucet fails to pay, or is unavailable then it will be removed from this list.

MoonBitcoin: (Paying weekly at 5500+ Satoshi last Payment Jan 10)

Starting balance for today was 25,303 Satoshi.
Current balance is 33,299 Satoshi.
Total earned today is 7996 Satoshi. Includes 1984 in referral earnings.

Today's collections from MoonBitcoin have been: 1134, 475, 232, 496, 643, 853, 650, 588, 540, 401 Satoshi.

As always, collecting more frequently from this site yields the best overall income. The minimum wait time is 5 mins. Current pay rates depend on how often you are collecting. 93 Satoshi when collected at 5 mins, 167 Satoshi at 10 mins, 224 Satoshi at 15 mins, 344 Satoshi at 30 mins, and 493 Satoshi at 60 mins. This amount keeps building up, but slows down between collections. 1 day between collections is 1545 Satoshi, 1 week is 2482 Satoshi, and 4 weeks is 3284 Satoshi.

ePay sites: (Paying weekly at 5865+ Satoshi last Payment Jan 9)

**Payments at each of these sites currently doubled!!**

Starting balance for today was 19,735 Satoshi.
Current balance is 17,446 Satoshi.
Total earned today is -2289 Satoshi. Includes 4146 in referral earnings.

*They accidentally doubled paid last week, so I agreed to deduct it from this weeks total. This is why it's lower. Not bad though, considering it put me back about 14,000 Satoshi. Which means in one day I've almost earned as much as I did all last week with this site!

*This list is sortable by any of the columns. Please click a heading to sort.

Wait Time
My Daily
My Daily
My Daily
GoldsDay 150 1000 - 10 600 6 3600
CoinCollecting 66 999 - 10 489 6 2936
StarsBit 99 999 - 3 255 9 2298

FaucetBOX sites: (Paying Daily at 13,000+ Satoshi last Payment Jan 11*)
Currently I have set my payments on hold to save on transaction fees.

Starting balance for today was 85,324 Satoshi.
Current balance is 117,532 Satoshi.
Total earned today is 32,208 Satoshi. Includes 912 Satoshi in referral earnings.

*This list is sortable by any of the columns. Please click a heading to sort.

Wait Time
My Daily
My Daily
My Daily
BitcoinPuddle 1050 1050 1050 250 1050 6 6300
BTC22 100 500 216 90 500 2 1000
InstinctScape 200 10,000 431 60 500 3 1600
NeoBitcoin 300 10,000 - 30 375 4 1500
CityofBitcoin  400 120,000 405 140 366 3 1100
BTCFaucetList 350 10,000 - 60 350 3 1050
Omux  300 600 450 60 350 3 1050
BigCoin 250 1000 285 60 333 3 1000
OurBTCSite  75 12,000 343 60 325 3 975
PolishFaucet 250 500 375 30 312 4 1250
Botva 300 1000 327 30 300 3 900
BTCCryptoPlanet  278 278 278 30 278 2 556
CoinMachine  250 1000 - 60 250 2 500
CryptoBlox 250 100,000 - 60 250 1 250
RobTheCoins 250 1000 - 60 250 2 500
23Coins 230 230 230 23 230 1 230 111 999 305 60 222 2 444
AQoinFaucet  100 1000 208 30 200 1 200
BioFaucet 100 10,000 133 10 200 1 200
BitcoinDrips 200 500 226 142 200 1 200
WeLoveBitcoins  200 1500 - 60 200 2 400
SexybitFaucet  100 5000 180 60 200 1 200
SimplFaucet  200 200 200 60 200 1 200
BitFaucet 100 300 200 360 200 1 200
MezzaBank  175 2500 214 30 175 1 175
NeverEndingStory  100 1000 202 15 150 2 300
JewelryBitcoin  150 500 - 60 150 1 150
BitWinFaucet 150 10,000 235 60 150 1 150
SatoshiBear 150 10,000 - 60 150 1 150
BTCGiveaway 150 50,000 241 60 150 1 150
OrangeFaucet 150 2000 174 60 150 1 150
CSIngenieros 150 400 191 60 150 1 150
BitcoinDroplet 125 1500 164 60 125 1 125
FreeCoins4Me  100 1000 - 360 105 1 105
CaptchasRocks 101 2500 213 60 101 1 101
MoneyInPjs  100 50,000 695 60 100 2 200
1000Satoshi  100 1000 220 60 100 1 100
Omux2 100 2000 177 60 100 1 100
BitcoinTree 300 25000 144 60 100 2 200
LuckyBitFaucet 100 10,000 181 60 100 1 100
CryptoDrips 100 500 - 60 100 1 100
FreeBTC 100 1500 140 60 100 1 100
BitcoinGate 150 1000 204 180 100 1 100
CryptoLatino 100 500 233 30 100 1 100
BitcoinCity 100 1000 220 30 100 1 100
BitcoinFast  50 10,000 132 30 100 1 100
GetFreeBitcoins 100 12,000 376 120 100 2 200
ZKNFaucet  75 200 110 30 100 1 100
GoFreeBitcoin  100 1000 162 60 100 1 100
BitMais 50 50,000 268 15 75 2 150

Last check down/Out of funds:
Wait Time
My Daily
My Daily
My Daily
FaucetBank 200 10,000 292 60 300 1 300

Microwallet sites: (Paying weekly at 5825+ Satoshi last Payment Jan 10*)
Currently I have it set to pay at 100,365 Satoshi to save on transaction fees.

Starting balance for today was 34,696 Satoshi.
Current balance is 40,110 Satoshi.
Total earned today is 5414 Satoshi. Includes 15 Satoshi in referral earnings.

*This list is sortable by any of the columns. Please click a heading to sort.

Wait Time
My Daily
My Daily
My Daily
Scratch4Satoshi  400 200,000 - 15 356 4 1425
DanceFaucet  300 300 300 180 300 2 600
BitCoinker  300 300 300 15 300 4 1200
BitcoinGenie  200 200 200 720 200 1 200
FairyFaucet  200 200 200 60 200 2 400
QoinFaucet  200 500 - 60 200 1 200
BitcoinShowers  100 1000 157 180 150 1 150
LetsGoode  75 10,000 148 60 75 1 75
CoinGiveaway  50 500 - 60 60 1 60

Today's big wins: Soon, I hope!

1 comment:

  1. €€€€€€€ BTC FAUCET ROTATOR €€€€€€€
    * COLLECT AT LEAST 10 THOUSAND Satoshi in just 4 MINs.
    * HIGHEST Satoshi from Claim ratio.
    * HIGHEST PAYING FAUCETS, start with 5,000 satoshi per claim.
    ¥¥¥¥¥¥¥ ******** OPEN THE FAUCET ROTATOR ******** £££££££
